Standard subscription datasets include features valuable for a wide range of functions. Sold in standard formats including ASCII, Excel or Shape files, or customised to your requirements. This makes for easy import to most CAD, GIS, spreadsheet or database applications.
Subscription datasets include:
Critical information if you're selling houses to young couples, or tendering
for a school transport contract, or building a database of facilities in a local
area. The data is dynamic, and is updated regularly.
For transport, plotting or statistics - attributes include the address, whether
government / catholic / independent, primary / high / both, whether pre-school
classes are offered onsite, and Local Government area within which the school
is located.
Subscription: Please contact Geoproject Solutions for details.
With similar details to the Perth schools data, but covering the whole state, plus Cocos and Christmas Islands.
Subscription: Please contact us for available options.
Points for plotting towns and some other generally recognised locality names in WA - from Agnew to Yunderup.
Attributes include road distance from Perth, a size classification, whether the name is official (i.e. is it in the WA Government's GEONOMA database?), which Local Government area the town falls in. Locations are biased to the main road intersections.
Subscription: Annual or one-off basis.
For plotting or analysing rail lines of WA - both government and private (Pilbara rail facilities included).
Attributes include year opened, whether served by freight, passenger or both, whether single or double track, spatial precision of alignment.
Subscription: Various combinations available - please enquire.
Points for plotting railway stations and sidings on the WA government and ex-government rail network (including the Pilbara iron rail facilities.
Attributes include rail distance from Perth, whether served by TransPerth trains, whether served by Transwa passenger trains ("Prospector", etc), Local Government area.
Subscription: Various combinations available - please enquire.
Please read our terms and conditions here.
Datasets are sold in ASCII files, Excel spreadsheets or Shapefiles, together with descriptive information (metadata). Further details are available here.
The locations are selected for relevance to transport analysis, plotting, mapping and statistics. The locations can be used as points, or can be overlaid to polygons such as the cadastre. More detailed information regarding locations can be found here, and is also included with the datasets.
Data in this category is dynamic, and therefore regularly updated. It is sold on a subscription basis, so that you always have access to current data. Clients are provided with a username and a password, which provide access to an interface to download the data as often as required, from our FTP site. When you use the download point, you can see what files are available to you, and when they were last revised.
Please contact Geoproject Solutions.
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