Standard subscription datasets include features of use for many functions. To ensure affordability, they are sold in a standard format, however other formats can always be created to your requirements.
Clients are provided with a username and a password. Clients can then download the data at their convenience, as often as required, from our web site. The password is normally valid for 12 months, during which period you can check for updates as often as required. Clients have a facility to change their password as desired.
You can optionally nominate to receive notification by e-mail whenever datasets are updated.
Clients may be able to provide feedback regarding the data, and if this gives additional information, then an updated data file is uploaded to the server as soon as practicable.
Point data sets are normally delivered in ASCII files, with a constant number of fields per record. Fields are delimited by semi-colons (some text fields validly may contain commas). This is the standard format for subscription data.
Other formats can be provided, either for subscription or one-off purchase - please e-mail your requirements for a quotation.
The locations in point datasets (e.g. schools, country towns, etc) are selected for relevance for transport, plotting and Geographic Information Systems. With features covering a significant area, such as schools, the location is biased towards the main building entrance, but is moved where necessary to ensure that it will plot on the correct side of your road even at small (street directory) scales. The locations can be used as points, or can be overlaid to polygons such as the cadastre.
The location coordinates for towns are normally at the main road intersection within the townsite.
Location coordinates for railway sidings and stations are on the track centreline at the approximate centre of the station/siding.
Positions are based on the GDA94 datum, and are normally in degrees (and decimals) of latitude and longitude. Positions on other datums, or projected on a grid of your choice, can be supplied to order.
Information from relevant authorities is used where available to ensure completeness of inclusions in the datasets. Lists are normally cross-checked against secondary sources (telephone directories, newspapers, etc) to further improve completeness and currency. Datasets are not normally made available until the completeness and currency of the list, and the provision of coordinates, are both believed to be at least 99%. However, datasets showing all features in a category, including those for which a position has not yet been confirmed, are available on request. (Example - schools in remote WA regions)
Geoproject Solutions is continually researching and updating the datasets as information comes to hand. Positions are measured in a continuing program of GPS survey and digitising large to medium scale maps. Positions for points not yet measured (or which cannot be) are derived from a variety of other maps and sources - the source is indicated by an attribute to each feature in the data files.
The terms ``Perth regions'', etc, mean the same areas as described by those terms by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). In Western Australia, region boundaries generally coincide with Local Government boundaries.
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