Company Details

Geoproject Solutions Pty Ltd is based in Perth, Western Australia. The company carries out consultancy, specialised investigation and reporting, customised data supply and processing.


Relevant insurances have been arranged to ensure that the interests of the staff, clients and the company are protected.


Geoproject Solutions was founded in 1999 and has traded continually since.

Contract Record

Selected contracts carried out are summarised below:
Investigation into methods of recording sites and preparation of draft spatial standardWA State Government client
Prepare GDA94 implementation plan for departmental mapping systemsWA State Government department
Advise on data availability and assist in negotiationsReal estate group
Investigate spatial data systems and prepare plan for GDA94 conversion.Chevron Australia
Prepare map directory (70 maps at 1:50000 scale) of rail system for emergency management and safetyPilbara Iron
Data processing and reporting for clearance surveys of railway station platformsHawker Moss Surveyors, for the PTA
Prepare application and negotiate approval for subdivisionVarious clients
Negotiate and expedite supply of data for web-based map systemCadd West Bureau

Past Experience

The company principal, Geoffrey Higham, has wide experience gained through projects carried out before founding Geoproject Solutions. Further information can be found in the Personnel section.


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